Despite the fact that Malaysia sits on the UN Council of Human Rights, Refugees in Malaysia are denied the right to work and have no access to education. Access to sufficient healthcare is also limited, and at a high cost. Many refugees in Malaysia, particularly the Rohingya community, are stigmatized and face high levels of xenophobia by a large number of Malaysians.

Migrant workers in Malaysia struggle to receive adequate healthcare for even basic needs. Healthcare comes at a high cost and undocumented workers particularly struggle in this area.

Strong Partnerships

Our research is made possible through collaboration and engagement with a range of stakeholders in Southeast Asia that include Civil Society Organisations, Universities, and the trust of the migrant workers themselves established through our grassroots community development. We are able to use our research data to provide recommendations for policymakers and employers to address challenges, and protect the rights of migrant workers.

Our Research 

Study on How Migrant Workers Become Undomented in the Manufacturing Sector (2022)

Migrant workers contribute significantly to Malaysia’s economic development. Yet, growing concerns over undocumented migrant workers (UMW) are a focus of governmental and NGOs over the last decade. This study by NSI and IOM aims to uncover the reasons a Migrant Worker becomes undocumented.

Vaccine Hessitency Among Migrant Workers in Malaysia (2021)

Vaccine Hesitancy Among Indonesian, Bangladeshi & Burmese Non-Citizens in Malaysia.

In 2021 North South Initiative, together with IOM, conducted a survey among 48 Migrant Workers in Malaysia to find out why they had not been vaccinated.

Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Migrant Workers (2020)

Between 2020 to 2022, NSI and Caram Asia did a study on 240 migrant workers from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philipines and Nepal to deeper understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant workers in Malaysia. The study explores the challenges faced by migrant workers during the pandemic, including job losses, wage cuts, limited access to healthcare, and restricted movement.